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                  武汉格源精细化学有限公司2011年7月18日成立,注册资本3000万元,工厂地址在湖︼北省黄冈市火车站经济开发区化工园,经营范围:女贞醛,新铃兰醛,戊二醛,丙烯醛等Ψ 的生产与销售。










                Wuhan Geyuan Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. was established on July 18, 2011 with a registered capital of 30 million yuan. The factory address is located in the Chemical Industry Park of Huanggang City Railway Development Zone, Hubei Province. The scope of business is: female furfural, new lily aldehyde, glutinous Production and sales of aldehydes, acrolein, etc.

                It is a chemical production enterprise with high degree of automation, mainly based on fine chemicals and flavors and fragrances.

                The company covers an area of ??nearly 100,000 square meters. The existing product scale, with an annual output of 2000 tons of female furfural, 3,000 tons of acrolein, 1,000 tons of new lily aldehyde, 1,000 tons of p-methylbenzene methanol, etc., is a lot of flavors and fragrances at home and abroad. The company's main processing base.

                Since the establishment of the company, through technological innovation, the market has been continuously opened up. The company has strong technical strength and determined innovation and ability. The company's management technicians have been engaged in the industry for many years, and have rich experience in production and management. They have a profound social foundation in the industry, have keen insight and decision-making judgment on the development of the industry, and have a more standardized and scientific management of chemical enterprises. Methods.


                The company's aim is always to adhere to:

                People-oriented, technology-based factory; adhere to the market-oriented, customer-oriented; first-class quality, create a first-class brand;



                In the future development, the company will continue to care for employees, pay attention to safety, environmental protection, and constantly strive to innovate, make friends, and long-term, steady struggle!